Talking about crystals, which one is your favorite? Amethyst? Clear quartz? What about turquoise? I personally like all of the above and other kinds too. They each have a purpose, a different healing property. You may feel drawn to one special stone, because that could be your color, let's say you like red, so you could be attracted by red jasper, or garnets. But it could also mean that when you feel attracted for a particular stone, it's because you may be in need of that stone's properties.
So, when you correlate the stones to chakra healing for instance, you will see that for each chakra a particular stone is used to balance and clear that chakra. Below is a simple list of the chakras and the crystals that work on them. But first, what is chakra? If you are new to this word and subject, chakra is a Sanskrit word that means circle or wheel. They are invisible vortex of energy that corresponds to a particular area of your body, usually connected to glands.
The main chakras are: 
The root chakra, color red, it's the grounding chakra.
The sacral chakra, color orange, related to creative life force energy, sexual energy.
Solar plexus chakra, yellow, over the navel area, self-confidence, will power.
Heart chakra, green/rose, heart center, it's the bridge or gateway between the lower and the higher chakras.
Throat chakra, blue, on the throat area, the center of communication, creative expression.
Third eye chakra, indigo blue, between the eyebrows, associated with the pineal and pituitary glands. It's the seat of the higher mind, wisdom, clairvoyance, knowledge.   
Crown chakra, purple, top of head. It's the center of divine union, spiritual enlightenment.

There are other minor chakras around the subtle body. One of them is on the palms of your hands; they are the ones that can transmit healing energy during healing practices. Another one is above the crown chakra in the color gold.

So, for the root chakra you would use a red jasper.  For the sacral chakra, use amber. Solar plexus, citrine.  Heart center you can use peridot, turquoise, green fluorite, or a rose quartz, depending on the type of healing you are wishing for on that center. This is because, the colors on the heart center are green and rose.
For the throat chakra you can use a turquoise, a sodalite, or blue lace agathe.
Third eye, blue kyanite, amethyst, clear quartz, or ametrine.
Crown chakra, same, amethyst, clear quartz or ametrine.
Actually, a clear quartz can be used in any of the chakras.
Always remember to clean your stones, first of all, clean with running cold water, or smudging, or soaking for a few hours with water and sea salt. Some stones can fade with the salt, so they shouldn't be left for too long. Turquoise is one of them. Selenite can't be soaked in salt. 

Besides the stones mentioned above, there are of course, a wide variety of them. Here are a few beautiful ones.



Clear quartz

Blue Kyanite





Raw garnets

Polished garnet

Aqua Aura quartz

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