Here is a simple exercise you can do to help to open up your chakras, using visualization and breathing technique.
First, you should know that there are seven major chakras in our body, and they should be vibrating with their bright corresponding color, and whenever you can visualize them, it's important to notice if the color is bright, dull or dark. To be working properly in order to replenish your glands with energy coming from the astral body, the chakras should be spinning with bright colors. If they are blocked or damaged for many reasons, such as, bad food, alcohol or drug abuse, anger and other bad feelings, or blocks which are present in your aura, even from past lives, then the chakras will have a dull color and not spin nicely, or there is going to be a dark, stagnant energy blocking it from receiving vital energy. For this reason, doing exercises to clean the chakras can help to make the vital energy pass through them and better your health in many levels.
So, first, sit confortably on a chair with your spine erect, or on the floor, if you can, using meditation pose, with crossed legs.
With your eyes closed, take a few deep breaths to feel relaxed before you start the visualization.
Now, visualize a vortex of energy on the base of your spine, like a spinning cone with the point towards your body and the opening towards the earth. The color of this chakra should be bright red. Take a deep breath and see the color red in the in breath, then when you exhale, pay attention to what color you see. If you don't see the bright red, keep inhaling more and sending that bright red color towards that chakra, until you see the same vibrant color coming out in your exhaling. If the color you see is a little faded, it means you need more energy on the chakra. If the color is dark, the chakra needs to be cleared. 
Next, you keep the image of the red chakra on your mind and do the same on the second chakra, which is a few inches below the navel. That should be reddish-orange, and you should visualize two vortices, one in the front, one in the back.
Keeping the visualization of the two chakras, now you go up to the third one, over the solar plexus. Visualize bright yellow for this chakra, front and back.
Next chakra is the heart center, and the color is bright green. Visualize and do the same breathing exercise, until moving to the next one, which is the throat chakra. In the mean time continue holding the visualization of all the chakras already energized.
In the throat chakra visualize the color blue, light or turquoise blue.
Moving up to the third vision, the center between the eye brows, visualize indigo blue, front and back. 
Finally moving up to the top of your head, you will visualize the crown chakra in violet. When you finish with this chakra, then you visualize all the 7 chakras vibrating and spinning clockwise, and the vertical current of the energy that moves up the spine to the top of your head. As you inhale see the current going up; as you exhale the current goes back down.
Now your magnetic field is energized with the chakras being cleaner. This is a good exercise to do before doing any healing session, or to do a few times a week to keep your chakras clear and energized, this way keeping the vital energy flowing in harmony through your whole body.


The word mandala comes from Sanskrit and it means circle or center; it's a geometric configuration of symbols. Mandala is used as a spiritual guidance tool to focus the attention of the practitioner, to establish a sacred space, and to help with meditation or for trance induction.
Carl Jung was responsible for re-introducing mandala to the Western thought. When exploring the unconscious through his own art making he observed the motif of the circle drawings being a reflection of his inner state. Being familiar with Eastern philosophy, he adopted the word mandala to describe the drawings that were made by him and his patients.
Jung wrote in his autobiography: "I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing...which seemed to correspond to my inner situation at the time...Only gradually did I discover what the mandala really is...the Self, the wholeness of the personality, which if all goes well is harmonious. (From Memories, Dreams, Reflections - Carl Jung)
Jung recognized that the need to make mandalas comes during times of intense personal growth. Creating mandalas help to stabilize, integrate, and re-order inner life.
We find mandalas throughout many cultures and religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Mayan and Aztec civilizations, Persian art, Native American cultures, and also in Christianity.
John Dee, Alchemist, mathematician and astrologer who was an adviser to Queen Elizabeth I, developed a geometric symbol which he called the "Sigillum Dei", the "Seal of God", manifesting a universal geometric order which incorporated the names of the Archangels. This was derived from earlier forms of the "Key of Solomon".
Mandala coloring is a very nice way to relax your mind; while you pick the combination of colors you are putting your mind into a kind of meditative state which will bring calmness, and that can also help to bring forth your creativity. A good activity not only for kids, but also for adults and elders.

The Ritual of the Mandala


To Him Who is the Lord of the Center
The Diamond Weaver
The invisible Father of the Sun
Who is seated on the throne of the Archetypes
Teller of the Fables of the Celestial Night
Dreamer of the Visions of all Men
Teacher of the Twelve-fold Rites of the Sun
Keeper of the Book of Days
Seed of the Names of All Things
Seer of All Entrances and Partings
He who sets in motion the Elements and Seasons
And Who places the Rainbow Border on all Creation...

You, O Nameless One, We invoke:
Enter our hearts and speak through us
Lend to us the Vision of Unity
Teach us the Science of the Whole
Make known to us once again the Rite of the Mandala.

Hear us, O Lord of the Center
Keeper of the Radiant Law
In our silence may Your Voice ring clear.

We are as Seeds:
Only You Who walk the Sky
Can show to us the Path
Our feet must follow in this Earth
Only You can heal and make us whole
Only through our submission to You
May we heal ourselves and become whole - 

In this way may we be led once again on the Path of Beauty.

From Mandala - by Jose and Miriam Arguelles


  Blue lace agate is a variety of banded Chalcedony and a quartz mineral. It has bands of layers of a beautiful sky blue which vary in hues....